May be, if I had to choose just one word in english, it would be this one ! This is my favorite.
It’s musical, sparkling lights, poetry, spirit, laughs, magic… It’s the world to be !
I ‘m aware that this Newsletter is not politically, buisnessly or even virtually correct. But I don’t care ! And you know what ? It will never be… This is my way to resist…!
I share with you my selection of whimsical items for Christmas : tea towels « Traîneau » and « Cabaret », table cloth « Pensée gris rouge », apron « Lapin régime », coasters « Renaissance », trivet « Banc en bois »…
Christmas ornaments are arrived from Alsace, Santa Claus is awake and in good shape, I can tell !
The Calendar 2011 is there too.
Most part of the time silence seems to me the only and last possibility of language with smiles.
So, to resume, talk as less as you can, smile as much as you live and your soul will be fine.
And, above all, thanks to every one of you who have said to me : « I love your Newsletter… »
I’m ready for your Christmas orders !
Whimsically yours…
Sylvine Nobécourt
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